
September 04, 2016

Jalapeno Carrots

4 jalapeno peppers, sliced
10 medium carrots, thinly sliced
2 medium onions, cut in large chunks
1/2 teaspoon canning salt per pint jar
1/2 clove garlic, per pint jar
Vinegar and water in equal amounts
1/8 teaspoon olive oil per pint jar

Pinch of pepper flakes per jar
1 bay leaf per pint jar
Place 4-6 slices of jalapeno peppers in each pint jar.  
Add chunks of onion, the salt and the garlic to each.  
Fill the jar with carrots.  
Cover ingredients with equal amounts of vinegar and water leaving 3/4-inch head space.  
Top with the olive oil. 
Wipe the jar rim clean with a damp cloth.  
Adjust lids and rings.  
Seal by processing for 15 minutes in a simmering hot-water bath.  
Processing time begins when the water is 170°.

*This recipe has been modified to replicate the carrots served at Margarita Paradise restaurant in Milwaukee. 

*I leave the jars sealed for 2-3 weeks in order for the carrots to "pickle" in the brine and take on the flavors of the other vegetables. 


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